Do you want to truly know your game can reach the internet? Eazy NetChecker is the right tool! Eazy NetChecker is a light but reliable and powerful tool for really determining the status of the internet connection on all devices and platforms.

Methods like Unity's Application.internetReachability cannot truly tell if a device is actually connected to the internet, and neither was designed to do so. Moreover, simple methods like pinging google are unreliable since devices could appear to be connected to the internet, but in reality be behind a restricted network.

Eazy NetChecker is the solution to all that! By utilizing a technique called Captive Portal Detection, it can quickly and reliably determine the current internet connection. Caprive Portal Detection is a technique that is used in all major operating systems for detecting internet connectivity.

Eazy NetChecker

Easy and reliable internet detection

Reliable internet detection

Check whether your game can truly reach the internet or your server. By utilizing a technique called Captive Portal Detection, it can quickly and reliably determine the current internet connection, unlike unreliable methods often used by developers. Captive Portal Detection is a technique that is used in all major operating systems for detecting internet connectivity.

Prespecified industry standard check methods

Eazy NetChecker comes with a few ready to use check methods, which are used by Google, Microsoft and Apple for their own internet detection algorithms. Moreover, you can set Eazy NetChecker to always automatically select the most appropriate check method depending on the platform your game is running on.

Custom check methods

Eazy NetChecker is fully flexible and extentable since it allows you to create your own custom check methods to specifically fit your needs.


Various events are raised during the lifetime of an internet check, which allow you to easily implement various different logics based on your requirements.

Easy to use editor

A fully custom editor is included which gives you the option to set everything up in Unity editor, limiting the coding required during runtime.

Super easy integration

Integrating Eazy NetChecker into an existing project is extremely easy. Just add a few lines of code for internet detection and that's it!

Runtime API

Handle all tasks from code using a simple but in-depth API, which can give you full control over internet detection.

Fully documented

Full online and offline documentation, including an API reference and an in-depth manual.